Nonprofits that spend the most time see the most success
Nonprofits, which have sometimes shown themselves to be ahead of their counterparts in the business world when it comes to social media marketing, are also divided depending on their experience with the medium. What makes the most experienced users stand out?
According to August 2010 research from Ventureneer, a provider of online tools for nonprofits, and Caliber, nonprofits that had been using social media the longest also tended to spend the most time on their efforts. Among respondents that had used social media marketing for at least two years, 68% spent at least 25 hours a week on it, compared with just 12% of nonprofits that had been active in the space for less than a year.
Investing More Time Brings Sophistication to Social Media Efforts
Emineo Media
Investing in a website is ideal for a company to grow.
It's all about investing time to ensure your Social Media grows! Time is of the essence!