Friday, November 5, 2010

UK Shoppers Are Global Leaders in Online Spending per Person!

Widely reported last week—by the Guardian, the World Advertising Research Council Warc and new media age magazine, among others—were the results of a study commissioned by Google from the Boston Consulting Group BCG. The headline figure brought a broad smile to faces more often creased with worry in recent months. According to BCG, the internet was worth £100 billion $139 billion to the UK in 2009. That was 7.2% of the country’s gross domestic product—not far behind the 9% contributed by the financial industry.

via UK Shoppers Are Global Leaders in Online Spending per Person - eMarketer.

Emineo Media

1 comment:

  1. it is great to know about this and the impact of the UK ... trying to get more information on this topics.. thanks for posting this..
