Monday, December 27, 2010

Email, Social Media to See More Marketing Dollars in 2011!

Email marketers have been warming up to social media for the past year, using social elements like “share with your network” and buttons to connect with brands on Twitter and Facebook in email campaigns. Email and social media also go together in another way: They are the top tactics marketers worldwide expect to increase budgets on in 2011. 

According to a November 2010 survey of business executives around the globe by StrongMail, nearly two-thirds of companies will increase spending on email marketing, and 57% will put more dollars toward social media marketing. Search took a distant third place with 41% of respondents indicating they would spend more.

Email, Social Media to See More Marketing Dollars in 2011

Emineo Media

Improve Your Blog SEO with Inbound Links!

Businesses continue to search for practical ways to improve their search engine rankings?

Here are 7 useful tips from Social Media Examiner to optimize your website and blog content and help increase ranking!

#1: Create Content Others Will Want to Share

#2: Distribute Online Press Releases

#3: Write Guest Posts

#4: Link to Others

#5: Share Content with Relevant Websites

#6: Create a Link Network

#7: Don’t Forget Internal Links

Click on the link below to read the full article.

7 Ways to Improve Your Blog SEO with Inbound Links

Emineo Media

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Resources Are Now a Big Issue for Social Media Marketers!

Lack of sufficient time and resources worse than lack of strategy or objectives

Social media was once seen by some marketers as a quick and easy way to reach consumers at their newest channel of choice. Advertising on the sites was relatively cheap, and marketing on the sites by creating a brand page or profile was free—it only cost internal time and resources.

But those resources can prove to be substantial, as many marketing professionals seem to have learned, based on a November 2010 survey by social media marketing solutions firm R2integrated. Asked what the biggest barrier to social media marketing was, more than two in five selected time and resources. Just half as many said questions about return on investment were as problematic.

Resources Are Now a Big Issue for Social Media Marketers

Emineo Media

Online Ad Spend Surpasses Newspapers!

A milestone for advertising on the internet 2010 will mark the first time marketers put more money into online advertising than newspapers, eMarketer estimates.

Total newspaper spending, including advertising in print and online editions, will fall to $25.7 billion in 2010, a decline of 6.6%. Spending on print newspapers alone will fall more steeply to $22.8 billion. Meanwhile, a rise of 13.9% will push US online ad spending up to $25.8 billion by year’s end.

The spending gap will widen significantly next year, as total newspaper spending falls again to $24.6 billion (including $21.4 billion for print) and online climbs to $28.5 billion.

Online Ad Spend Surpasses Newspapers

Emineo Media

Monday, December 20, 2010

Word-of-Mouth Has Greatest Effect on Moms!

If moms weren’t already an attractive enough target for marketers, a Keller Fay study of US internet users and their brand conversations has found that they are more responsive to word-of-mouth than other adults and more likely to help pass on brand messages.

Nearly two-thirds of mothers studied in September 2010 said they typically thought word-of-mouth was credible, 2 percentage points ahead of females in general and 10 percentage points ahead of men. They were also more apt to take action, including passing the information on to others, making a purchase or doing more research on a brand. Across all metrics, while females were more receptive than males, moms were even better disposed to listening to brand conversations.

They also mentioned more brands per week in their own conversations, at 73 mentions compared with fewer than 65 among females and just 57 among males.

Word-of-Mouth Has Greatest Effect on Moms

Emineo Media

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Social Network Ad Spending to Double in U.K. by 2012!

The rise of social networking, and the involvement of advertisers in these channels, was one of 2010’s mega-stories—not least in the UK. Though spending in social networks is still a fraction of total online ad spending, many UK brands have leapt at the chance to engage with consumers in an environment where they spend increasing amounts of time and are highly motivated to share their thoughts. eMarketer estimates social network ad spending in the UK will rise from £130 million ($203 million) this year to £275 million ($430 million) by 2012, an increase of more than 110% in two years. This will boost social network ad spending from 3% of all online ad spending to 6% over the same time period.

via UK Social Network Ad Spending to Double by 2012 - eMarketer.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Inside Twitter’s “100 Million New Members” Number!

How many users does Twitter really have?

Last week, Twitter announced that it added 100 million new accounts so far in 2010. That’s a staggering number when you consider that six weeks ago it revealed it had signed up a total of 175 million new accounts since its launch and was adding new ones at a rate that would bring it to 200 million by the end of 2010. Translation: 50% of Twitter’s accounts were added this year.

On the flip side, the Pew Internet & American Life Project just reported that only 8% of US adult internet users used Twitter in 2010. According to eMarketer’s estimates, there were 178.6 million adult internet users in the US in 2010, so Pew’s figure translates to 14.3 million users. This number is lower than eMarketer’s April 2010 estimate of Twitter users, which will be updated in early 2011.

To be clear, Pew asked survey participants if they actually used Twitter, not merely whether or not they had an account. This is very different from Twitter reporting its total number of new or existing accounts.

Inside Twitter’s “100 Million New Members” Number

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Marketers Buy In to Promoted Tweets!

Twitter’s ad formats mature and grow

Twitter advertising is attracting more interest from marketers.

In November, the TWTRCON conference and oneforty, an online directory for Twitter tools, surveyed 110 business professionals, mostly from marketing and communications, about their interaction with Twitter’s Promoted Products suite.

Overall, the respondents were interested in using Twitter ads as a part of their marketing mix, with 51% of respondents somewhat or very interested in Promoted Products. However, 27% hadn’t made up their minds and 22% said they had no interest at all.

Marketers Buy In to Promoted Tweets

Emineo Media

Monday, December 13, 2010

Social Media Is Greater Marketing Priority for Small Businesses!

Facebook is now third most important marketing tactic Small businesses, while not yet at the usage levels of their larger counterparts, are warming up to social media marketing, according to a fall 2010 survey from small-business marketing firm Constant Contact.The businesses surveyed overwhelmingly considered word-of-mouth the most important marketing tactic for finding new customers, but that figure includes discussions that take place both online and offline. Websites and email marketing followed as the only other tactics a majority of small businesses said were “very important.”

The businesses surveyed overwhelmingly considered word-of-mouth the most important marketing tactic for finding new customers, but that figure includes discussions that take place both online and offline. Websites and email marketing followed as the only other tactics a majority of small businesses said were “very important.”

Social Media Is Greater Marketing Priority for Small Businesses

Emineo Media

Friday, December 10, 2010

2011 Trends: Content Marketing Is Critical!

Creating effective, breakthrough advertising has always been a challenge for marketers, as well as for the agencies charged with the task. But the classic interruption-disruption model of advertising is moribund. Marketers should ask themselves five questions about the magnetic content they are seeking to create to determine whether it will be truly attractive to their audience:
  1. Is the content unique?
  2. Is the content useful?
  3. Is the content well executed?
  4. Is the content fun?
  5. Does the content make good use of the channel in which it appears (e.g., social, mobile, video)?

Marketers should base their magnetic content ideas on well-researched customer behaviors, attitudes and lifestyles. This entails altering your emphasis in marketing from “selling product” to identifying and solving a consumer need or want that transcends or complements the physical product or service you are selling. Ask yourself this critical question: Besides your product, what can you do for the consumer?
Geoff Ramsey—CEO, Co-Founder

2011 Trends: Content Marketing Is Critical

2011 Trends: Census Highlights Demographic Shifts!

Next year, eMarketer forecasts 32.2 million Hispanics, or 62.9% of the US Hispanic population, will be online. The results of the 2010 census could push those estimates up even further.

While the bureau has consistently projected strong growth within minority populations through 2050, the new figures for all races may change more than the bureau projected.

The census’s open-ended questions on racial and ethnic background—including a write-in answer for filers who did not feel their background could be explained by a single check-box answer—caused much confusion and comment.

It is still unclear how respondents identified themselves and their families.

2011 Trends: Census Highlights Demographic Shifts

Emineo Media

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Many Marketers Are Using Social Media?

Nearly three-quarters this year

As consumer usage of social media continues to increase in the US and around the world, marketers have transitioned from cautious engagement to full deployment.

Next year, four in five US businesses with at least 100 employees will take part in social media marketing, eMarketer estimates. That’s up from just 42% as recently as 2008, and the number of marketers using the channel will continue to rise through 2012.

“Marketers that have spent the past few years ramping up their internal social media marketing infrastructure—and their presence on sites such as Facebook and Twitter—will take social media to new heights in 2011,” said Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer principal analyst and author of the new report “Social Media in the Marketing Mix: Budgeting for 2011.” “And as they do, they will evolve the way they market across all media, not just online.”

How Many Marketers Are Using Social Media? .

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who's Using Twitter? The Pew Center Report!

The Pew Center has a new report focusing on Twitter usage in the U.S., and it reveals that 6% of the entire U.S. adult population uses Twitter.

The report also reveals women and those with college educations are also slightly more likely than other groups to tweet.

One-quarter of Twitter users check the service multiple times per day to see others’ tweets, while one in five never look for new updates.

These are just a few select statistics about the actual tweets that are going out there:

72% of Twitter users say they post updates about their personal life, activities or interests.

62% post work-related updates.

55% use Twitter to share links to news stories.

53% use the service to retweet others’ material.

40% use the service to share photos with others, while 28% use it to share videos.

24% tweet their location.

The report was compiled as a result of multiple surveys: Data on overall Twitter usage and demographics is from the Pew Internet Project’s November 2010 tracking survey. Information on how often people use Twitter, as well as the topics they post about, were from two October 2010 surveys.

According to the center, this is the first time it has conducted research that focuses solely on Twitter users. This is because Pew typically looks into general online activities, as opposed to particular brands. So in most instances, the center’s research has involved asking Internet users if they “used Twitter or another service to share updates about yourself or to see updates about others?”

In August 2008, 6% of Internet users answered “yes.” By September 2010, the number had changed to 24% — but some analysts and readers assumed this pertained to Twitter users alone. This is what led researchers to decide that Twitter usage was worthy of being examined on its own.  Mashable

Twitter use by demographic group

Monday, December 6, 2010

Big Jump in Social Media for Holiday Marketing!

Three-quarters will market on social sites this holiday season

Holiday advertising budgets are shifting as marketers increase their reliance on online channels, according to research from BDO USA.

While print advertising remains on top for holiday spending, nearly 27% of retailers reported they would spend most of their budget for the period online, including on social networks. That was up just from 18% last year and puts online ahead of broadcast for the second year in a row.

Big Jump in Social Media for Holiday Marketing - eMarketer.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Consumers Believe in Positive Word-of-Mouth!

Good news about brand buzz! Many marketers still struggle with the loss of control over their brand that comes with the ability of consumers to discuss them—and have those messages widely disseminated—across social media. But most brand-related chatter, both online and offline, is positive. And positive buzz carries more weight with consumers, according to research from Keller Fay Group. In a study of hundreds of thousands of conversations, the firm found about two-thirds of word-of-mouth brand references were “mostly positive.” Those can be powerful. Two-thirds of study respondents thought positive word-of-mouth was credible, compared with fewer than half who believed negative buzz. Positive information was also more likely to be passed on to others, more than twice as likely to get people to look for more information, and had nearly four times the chance of pushing consumers to make a purchase.

Overall, word-of-mouth is generally positive, but some industries do get better buzz than others. Children’s products and food brands tended to get the most positive mentions, while net advocacy on behalf of companies in the telecommunications, financial services and healthcare industries was lowest. But even for those brands, the majority of word-of-mouth was still upbeat.

Consumers Believe in Positive Word-of-Mouth

Monday, November 29, 2010

Is Cyber Monday Dead?

According to eMarketer Cyber Monday is dead. Various sources are reporting an uptick across the board in both on and off-line spending for the Thanksgiving holiday. That alone is something to be thankful for. Digging into the numbers from Coremetrics there's real evidence that a segment of the population is also using their mobile devices. Whether they are making a purchase or just browsing the site for the latest deals is irrelevant. That fact is they are online and looking for something - right; coupons, discounts, promotions, directions, etc.

Whether your business is retailing online or just driving traffic to your site to spur offline sales, your online presence, image and ability to just be found is increasingly important. Last week we interviewed several businesses who maintained they must go it alone due to costs - they can't afford to outsource or hire someone to manage or run their interactive marketing; or even worse - they "know how to do it, (we) just need to commit some time." Sleeping on the job never got me a pay raise. Neither did being stubborn.

Trying to shoot a moving target is a difficult task. So too is Interactive Marketing. Reason being, you've got to be up-to-speed on where the target is now, or where it's going. Unless you're entrenched in the in's and outs of the marketing industry, you're more than likely going to miss the target, or at best, get there after it has moved.

Don't get bogged down in the details of learning how to do interactive. Educate yourself on what you think you need and get with (hire) a firm that can help you meet your needs & goals. Small and Medium size businesses that opt to go-it-alone are missing opportunities 24/7. And at what cost?

How can you cost-justify outsourcing? How much does your average sales agent generate each year?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Social Media Is Top Priority for Search Marketers

Social will be at the center of SEO and PPC campaigns

Is 2011 set to be the “year of Facebook,” even among search marketers? Based on what US advertisers told search marketing agency Covario, it’s definitely the year of social.

Search marketers have discovered how social media marketing can help build their search engine optimization efforts, and respondents to the Covario survey said their No. 1 priority for SEO next year was integration with social media programs. According to the report, “leveraging social media for scalable link-building efforts is a major initiative for advertisers.”

Social media will also play an important part in paid search efforts next year. Search ad campaigns on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn were top of mind for nearly half of advertisers surveyed—far ahead of priorities like local search or dealing with recent changes to major search engines (for example, Google Instant and Yahoo!-Bing integration).

Social Media Is Top Priority for Search Marketers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Leveraging Best Practices for Social Media!

Achieving social media marketing goals, whatever your level of participation Brands and marketers have different levels of participation in the social media space, but many have similar goals and strategies. The “2010 Social Media Benchmarking Study” from Ketchum and FedEx found when looking at 62 study participants from a variety of industries that 100% had some degree of social media presence.But they demonstrated different engagement levels, including observers who are determining how to best use social media and leaders who push boundaries and innovate.

Leveraging Best Practices for Social Media

Friday, November 19, 2010

Does Social Media Marketing Make Sense for the Smallest Businesses?

Small businesses unsure about reaching audience on social sites

eMarketer estimates that 127 million people in the US, or 57.5% of internet users, will use social networks at least monthly this year. Facebook alone has over half a billion active users worldwide. Still, many of the smallest businesses don’t believe their customers can be marketed to on such sites, according to an August 2010 survey from customer review platform RatePoint.

Respondents, the majority of whom were business owners with just one to five employees, were split on whether social media was a quick way to connect with current or future customers, but sentiment was largely negative. When asked if they thought customers wanted to hear from them on social sites, only a quarter of businesses thought they did.

In addition, 20% of small businesses did not think their customers spent time on social networking sites; another 27% were undecided. And nearly a quarter did not believe their customers did research online before doing business with their company.

Does Social Media Marketing Make Sense for the Smallest Businesses?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Social to Boost SEO!

Majority of companies have blogged with goal of search optimization

The majority of search marketers have recognized the importance of social media to their search engine optimization efforts, according to a November 2010 study from search marketing software provider SEOmoz.

Nearly 71% of respondents said they use social media as part of their SEO strategy. Social media marketing can be an excellent driver of content visibility, by helping to keep content fresh and abundant, and also by increasing the number of inbound links a site receives.

Social to Boost SEO

Emineo Media

Have Click Rates Finally Stopped Declining?

Stabilizing, but there’s more to performance

One of online marketers’ simplest metrics to keep track of, the clickthrough rate, has been in decline for years. As many recognize the importance of other measures in determining the success of online campaigns in attempts to capture the branding as well as the direct-response effects of advertisements, fewer and fewer web users were clicking on fewer and fewer ads.

Based on longitudinal data from digital ad solutions provider MediaMind, however, that decline appears to have stopped. The company’s analysis of data from July 2006 through July 2010 shows that annual average click rates have plateaued, at 0.09%.

According to “Standard Banners—Non-Standard Results,” it was the success of online display ads that caused the drop in clicks to begin with. As users saw more and more ads across the internet, many continued clicking, but not fast enough to keep up with the expanding inventory. Clickthrough rates fell steadily until reaching an equilibrium.

Have Click Rates Finally Stopped Declining?

Emineo Media

Monday, November 15, 2010

Benefits of Email-Social Media Integration!

Social media most effective channel to integrate with email

Several studies have shown that a majority of email marketers are making use of social media tactics, both to boost their social media efforts as well as to improve email campaigns.

A June 2010 survey of North American email and online marketers by email marketing firm Lyris found that most of them were seeing positive results. Just 6% said their marketing results were no better after integrating social and email, compared with 54% who said results were at least somewhat better.

Benefits of Email-Social Media Integration

Emineo Media

Friday, November 12, 2010

Keep Brand Fans on Board!

Social media marketers who have successfully attracted fans of their brand to their Facebook or Twitter page have only just begun their real task: keeping those fans interested and engaged, and hopefully turning them into advocates on the brand’s behalf.

According to a September 2010 survey by social media marketing agency Cone, incentives remain the biggest draw for consumers connecting with brands online. New-media users expect deals, but also look for brands to help solve their problems and get their feedback on products and services.

Keep Brand Fans on Board

Emineo Media

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Small Businesses Focus Online Spend on Websites!

A plurality of small businesses will keep their marketing budgets steady next year across the board, including spending on websites, direct mail, print, TV and social media, according to research by Zoomerang and GrowBiz Media, a provider of information and services to help organizations reach the small and midsize business audience.

This year, SMB allocation of online marketing budgets leaned toward websites, where 27% of SMBs with 1,000 or fewer employees spent at least 30% of their budget. Email took second place with 18% devoting 30% or more, followed by social media, where 10% of SMBs said they spent at least three in 10 marketing dollars.

The tilt toward investment in websites should continue, as 17% of respondents said they planned to increase budgets for their site in 2011—the highest percentage planning to up any budget line item. In comparison, 15% said they would spend more next year on email and 13% on social media.

According to the survey, the vast majority of SMB websites include general information about the company, but only a minority offer customer service, lead capturing or ecommerce features, leaving plenty of room for investment.

In the realm of word-of-mouth marketing, SMBs relied mostly on the traditional: 70% said they used in-person networking and 50% customer referral rewards, while a comparatively small 34% used social media. Facebook is the most popular social site (80%), but further investment should help small businesses take advantage of the low-cost marketing opportunities in the channel.  Source - eMarketer

The moral here is that you can actually undermine your own marketing efforts if you aren't also tending to your company's online facad, aka your website. Your company website is an investment, not an advertisement.

If you're driving traffic to your website, what efforts have you taken to maximize your marketing ROI?

Emineo Media

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Smart Marketing using Good SEO!

To construct a great content-rich website takes planning. A competent designer uses online architectural design principles, carefully combining information delivery and intuitive navigation to satisfy the visitor's needs (why they visited) while accomplishing their own business goals (why the website was created – generate sales ready leads, sales products & services, create awareness, etc).

Layout is vital to the online internet marketing of a site that will attract and also satisfy visitors. Simply put, designing an award winning website is not enough. The site needs to be placed in front of potential visitors or they will not know you exist.

Good SEO includes the integration of web design, development, and interactive marketing with focused traffic-generation tactics that is vital to the success of your site. Without smart marketing any great website will fail.

A focus on interactive marketing through website design, search engine placement, search engine marketing, submission, analytics, email, and branding programs is paramount to online success.

Emineo Media

Friday, November 5, 2010

Retail Ecommerce Spending to Grow 13.7% in Q4 2010!

Ecommerce spending is expected to grow 13.7% to $51.4 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010, topping last year’s Q4 sales of $45.2 billion, according to a new forecast published by eMarketer.

Strong online holiday sales will push annual ecommerce sales to $162.4 billion for full-year 2010, up 12.7% over 2009. Online holiday sales will represent an estimated 23.7% of online retail sales in 2010, underlining the importance that November and December have on retailers’ annual ecommerce sales.

via Retail Ecommerce Spending to Grow 13.7% in Q4 2010 - The eMarketer Blog.

Emineo Media

More Time Spent on Social Media than Email Worldwide!

Email most common daily activity, but social racks up more hours

As the social media trend becomes a normal part of life for internet users the world over, it’s also becoming the most time-intensive activity on the web.

The TNS “Digital Life” survey of internet users around the world found in September 2010 that on average, surfers spent 4.6 hours a week on social sites, compared with 4.4 hours on email, the most common internet activity.

via More Time Spent on Social Media than Email Worldwide - eMarketer.

Emineo Media

Emineo Media: Time Spent on Email

A Study: Twitter Increases Student Engagement!

Communicating in 140-character segments may seem to contradict the goals of generally long-winded academia, but a new study has found that the two are less opposed than one might think. Students in the study who were asked to contribute to class discussions and complete assignments using Twitter increased their engagement over a semester more than twice as much as a control group.

Twitter Increases Student Engagement [STUDY]

The study used a 19-question survey based on the National Survey of Student Engagement to measure student engagement at the beginning and end of a seminar course for first year students in pre-health professional programs. Four sections (70 students) were given assignments and discussions that incorporated Twitter, such as tweeting about their experiences on a job shadow day or commenting on class readings. Three sections (55 students) did the same assignments and had access to the same information, but didn’t use Twitter.

via Twitter Increases Student Engagement [STUDY].

Emineo Media

HOW TO: Optimize Your Social Media Marketing Strategy!

There’s nothing like the basics to help bring things back into focus when you feel lost. In “Marketing 101,” the acronym AIDA stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action. This is the most simple and rudimentary of sales and marketing funnels and is still incredibly relevant today when it comes to social media and Internet() marketing strategies.

Each section of AIDA represents a section of your sales and marketing process and can help you set your expectations, decide what to monitor, and visualize the relationships between each part. Understanding the flow of the tools and tactics will also help you get your measurements and analytics in line with your goals.

Here’s a closer look at the breakdown of this marketing funnel, some tips on how to apply it to your social media strategy, and a look at how the model is evolving in the social media age.

via HOW TO: Optimize Your Social Media Marketing Strategy.

Emineo Media

What Really Drives Young Adults' Purchase Decisions?

Products that convey personal achievement and social interaction are valued:

Research has suggested that cause marketing appeals to US consumers, and that millennials in particular care about social and environmental issues.

Emineo Media: Young Adults' Purchase Decision?

Data presented by Resonate Networks at the October 2010 Pivot Conference in New York City confirmed the importance of such issues to young adults. Consumers ages 18 to 34 are more likely than their older counterparts to care about a variety of issues, including various civil rights and environmental concerns.

via What Really Drives Young Adults' Purchase Decisions? - eMarketer.

Emineo Media

UK Shoppers Are Global Leaders in Online Spending per Person!

Widely reported last week—by the Guardian, the World Advertising Research Council Warc and new media age magazine, among others—were the results of a study commissioned by Google from the Boston Consulting Group BCG. The headline figure brought a broad smile to faces more often creased with worry in recent months. According to BCG, the internet was worth £100 billion $139 billion to the UK in 2009. That was 7.2% of the country’s gross domestic product—not far behind the 9% contributed by the financial industry.

via UK Shoppers Are Global Leaders in Online Spending per Person - eMarketer.

Emineo Media

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Lawyers May Use Social Media in the Future?

There has been a tenuous union between lawyers and social media. The fact that so much information and conversation is made public can deter firms from jumping on board. That same hesitancy, however, gives some clues as to how social media may be used by lawyers in the future.

Social media is a big deal. Everyone from your mom to your nephew is probably online in some way. But you might not think to look up your lawyer’s Twitter() handle or read up on his or her firm’s blog.

More and more firms and individuals are coming online. To try and get a grasp on where social media is heading, we spoke with three social media savvy attorneys to help us read the tea leaves.

How Lawyers May Use Social Media in the Future.

Emineo Media

Friday, October 29, 2010

Social Media Increases Small-Business Exposure!

According to the American Express OPEN fall 2010 “Small Business Monitor,” small-business owners have dramatically upped their usage of social media for marketing in the past year.While just one in 10 business owners reported using social networking for marketing last year, 39% indicated they did in September 2010. The impetus is driving sales by connecting with consumers. Facebook was the clear leader among small-business owners, with 27% using the site to attract new customers, vs. 9% using LinkedIn, 8% using Twitter and 5% maintaining a blog.

Social Media Increases Small-Business Exposure

Emineo Media

Investing More Time Brings Sophistication to Social Media Efforts!

Nonprofits that spend the most time see the most success

Nonprofits, which have sometimes shown themselves to be ahead of their counterparts in the business world when it comes to social media marketing, are also divided depending on their experience with the medium. What makes the most experienced users stand out?

According to August 2010 research from Ventureneer, a provider of online tools for nonprofits, and Caliber, nonprofits that had been using social media the longest also tended to spend the most time on their efforts. Among respondents that had used social media marketing for at least two years, 68% spent at least 25 hours a week on it, compared with just 12% of nonprofits that had been active in the space for less than a year.

Investing More Time Brings Sophistication to Social Media Efforts
Emineo Media

Monday, October 25, 2010

How Entrepreneurs and Startups Can Get Involved in the Mashable Awards!

The Mashable Awards, our annual contest highlighting the very best the web has to offer, is gaining momentum with more than 150,000 votes already. If you’re an entrepreneur looking to get recognition or working for a startup that needs to get nominated, we have some quick tips for you.

If you haven’t nominated yet, now’s the time. We’ve opened 21 of the 25 categories so far, for which you can nominate a person, company, organization, app, device, gadget, video, URL or technology. Also, make sure to follow along in the Mashable Awards series that takes a closer look at nomination categories.

Nominations will close at 11:59 p.m. ET on Monday, November 29. The top five nominees with the most nominations (subject to editorial policies and official rules) will move forward to the “Final 5 Voting Round” starting Wednesday, Dec. 1.

 How Entrepreneurs and Startups Can Get Involved in the Mashable Awards.

Emineo Media

Mashable Weekend Recap: 18 Stories You Might Have Missed!

Emineo Media's provides the Social Media recap recently found on Mashable.

It’s been an eventful weekend in social media and technology, and we’re here to help you get caught up before an even more eventful week begins.This weekend, Sony retired the Walkman, Groupon added self-served deals, Lady Gaga surpassed 1 billion YouTube views, Kanye West released an innovative online music video, Microsoft revealed that Windows 8 is a long ways away, Netflix started rolling out streaming-only subscriptions and WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange walked out of an interview with CNN. As always, we also have some helpful features that you might want to check out. Thanks for reading!

Mashable Weekend Recap: 18 Stories You Might Have Missed.

Emineo Media

3 Ways Small Businesses are Investing in Social Good!

This is Emineo Media's Sixth highlight of the recent 38 New Social Media Resources recently found on Mashable.

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

Lately, a lot has been written about how businesses are using social media to promote social good. Most of the attention has focused on the campaigns of large companies like Pepsi or Pedigree. While the success of those campaigns warrants exposure, small local businesses have also begun using social media to create positive change in their communities.

Below are some examples of how small businesses are investing in social good to partner with non-profits, raise funds and finance micro-loans.

If your company is raising awareness for non-profits through social media, let us know about your work in the comments below

via 3 Ways Small Businesses are Investing in Social Good.

Emineo Media

Sunday, October 24, 2010

38 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed!

Mashable has had another busy week and they have yield another mega list of tools and resources for your reading pleasure.

Emineo Media will highlight and promote some of the 38 resources we feel will be beneficial!

Check out Mashable's Social Media section for tips on how turn any video viral, find out why the web loves cats so much, or simply determine what kind of geek you are. Tech & Mobile is packed with tools like top blogger templates, Photoshop tutorials, and tips for beginners when it comes to PHP programming. Business rounds out the list with how to use hashtags to boost you job search, great social media management tools, and some games for learning stock market strategy.

Looking for even more social media resources?  This guide appears every weekend, and you can check out all the lists-gone-by here any time

via 38 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed.

Emineo Media

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Corporate Blogging Goes Mainstream!

Becoming fully incorporated into media and marketing Blogging has been around for well over a decade—an eternity in internet time. Whereas blogs used to be a thorn in the side of traditional journalism, today they’re an essential ingredient in the media mix. Hardly a news organization exists that does not have a blog where its journalists post updates to breaking stories, offer personal commentary and engage in a dialogue with readers and viewers.

Corporate Blogging Goes Mainstream

Emineo Media

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brand Campaigns Drive Most Social Media Following!

According to emarketer; brand Campaigns Drive Most Social Media Following

Three-quarters of Facebook fans have signed up with pages after invitations or ads from brands

Research on social media users who follow brands has shown marketers the importance of offering deals and discounts on Facebook fan pages as well as the nature of brand following as a form of self-expression, through which advocates can show support for a company they love. But what triggers Facebook users to “like” a brand is typically some form of outreach.

Brand Campaigns Drive Most Social Media Following

Emineo Media

Are you looking at social media?

If you haven't started looking at how essential social media marketing is to expand your brand, Look at these numbers!
  1. Facebook with 133,623,529 unique visits.
  2. MySpace with 50,615,444 unique visits.
  3. Twitter with 23,573,178 unique visits.
  4. Linkedin with 15,475,890 unique visits.
  5. Classmates with 14,613,381 unique visits.
  6. MyLife with 8,736,352 unique visits.
  7. Ning with 6,120,667 unique visits.
  8. LiveJournal with 3,834,155 unique visits.
  9. Tagged with 3,800,325 unique visits.
  10. with 3,473,978 unique visits.

Invest in a proper Social Media campaign and your ROI will be impacted.

In order to grow your business, you need to invest in your business.

How much are you willing to invest?

Be Proactive!

Emineo Media

List courtesy of Web Trends

Monday, October 18, 2010

You’ve got a website!

You’ve got a website.

It’s got great graphics, pictures, company description, a blog and even a shopping cart, but where are your customers?

You’ve got a website! Your business should be booming now, right?

Step back and think about why you have a website in the first place.

The goal of a website:

      Find Sales Leads!

      Social Media Marketing!

      Conduct e-commerce!

      Search Engine Marketing

      E-mail Marketing


      Brand your business!


Does your website produce any of these goals?

If it doesn't?

The good new is we can maximize your website!

Emineo Media delivers interactive solutions that maximize marketing ROI.

We focus on business objectives to determine how companies can best use the Internet to increase revenues, reduce expenses and/or streamline business processes.

Emineo Media focuses on the complexities of interactive marketing and web services so our clients can focus on their business.

We can provide an analyze of your website.

You’ve got a website?

Let's make the website work for you!

Emineo Media

10 Killer Social Media Pitfalls Businesses Must Avoid!

Social Media Pitfalls
Many businesses in Florida recognize social media as a powerful tool to engage customers, build brand awareness, drive website traffic and influence sales.  A properly implemented social media strategy can increases in website visitors, improve customer loyalty, reduce the cost of sales, improve the quality of customer service, boost brand awareness, and increase the lifetime value of customer relationships.  However, the pitfalls of an improperly planned, executed and managed social media strategy could easily outweigh the potential benefits.  Many companies have already learned the hard way, enduring embarrassing and sometimes costly mistakes.  Here are our top ten social media pitfalls to avoid:

1. Failure to properly plan. The 5 P’s of Success, “Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance”, perfectly apply to any social media strategy.  Consider the primary goal you’d like your social media strategy to achieve.  Then consider how the success of your social media strategy will be measured. What type of tools will be required?   Who will be primarily responsible for executing and managing the strategy?   Select you’re your social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flikr, a blog, etc. Who will be in charge of crafting the content?   How will your content approval process work?  Which members of your team will play a supporting role?   How will your social media strategy be integrated into your other initiatives?  What type of technology will be required?  What outside resources will you need?

2. Avoid spreading yourself too thin. For best results, concentrate many messages on just a few social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter (at least in the beginning) than spreading yourself out too wide across too many channels.  Although setting up a Facebook profile may be free, managing it requires somebody’s dedicated time, which is not free.  Producing compelling content such as copy, videos, presentations, and offers is also not free.  Consider which existing materials, i.e. print collateral, photos, events, contests, special offers, etc. could be re-purposed for your social media channel for maximum impact and value.

3. Don’t think of social media as a quick-fix.  Sure, a successfully planned and deployed social media strategy can deliver immediate measurable results – often making a dramatic positive impact on your business.  However, it’s important to think of social media as an initiative, not a campaign.  Despite the early gains in can produce, the value social media can deliver will typically increase over time and the level of success your social media strategy will yield will be in direct proportion to your level of commitment. Routinely producing fresh, highly relevant content aimed at your target audience will be the lifeblood of your social media strategy.  Over time, after you’ve hit a critical mass of friends, fans and followers, your social media network will become more self-sustaining through participation from users. However, reaching that critical mass requires

4. Don’t think that just because you’ve built it, they will come. Attracting fans, friends and followers during the early stage of your social media program will require outreach.  You’ll need to give people incentives to compel them to connect with you.  Appropriate incentives will be dependent on your target audience and need to be properly promoted through both your traditional and interactive marketing channels.

5. Don’t just follow the followers. While there’s nothing wrong with following the leader, in today complex business landscape it can be difficult to distinguish the true leaders from the followers.  Recognize that every business is unique. A social media strategy that works wonderfully for one company may be completely inappropriate for your business.  The key to launching a successful social media strategy is to gain a deep understanding of your customers and their needs.  Then, learn to genuinely speak to them and be committed to delivering real value.  When in doubt, don’t hesitate to enlist a professional social media consultant or agency to get you on the right track.  An outsider’s objective point of view could help put you on the right track faster and yield better results than going it alone.

6. Don’t make blatant sales pitches. While many customers do “befriend” or “follow” companies to get discounts or special offers, be sure to use social media as a way to establish and maintain relationships with customers and establish yourself as a knowledgeable expert in your field.  People prefer to do business with people they like and trust. Earn their trust and their business will follow.

7. Don’t treat social media as a one way street. Social media is most effective when it’s a dialogue, not a monologue.  Engage your customers, encourage discussions, listen and learn from their feedback.  People prefer being “spoken with” over “talked at”.

8. Don’t assign the responsibility of managing your social media strategy to an intern. Improperly communicating with your audience can have long-term negative consequences. Social media is public relations, marketing and customer service all in one — on a grand scale.  Entrust only your most knowledgeable and capable people with the responsibility.  Consider who within your organization you’d trust to attend a high value business networking event, a customer summit or press conference.

9. Don’t treat social media as an island. Social media is most effective when properly integrated into your other marketing, sales, public relations and customer service strategies.  Social media should be the thread that weaves together all your marketing initiatives. Reference your social media channels in all your email communications, your website, your blog and your traditional advertising – YES, your traditional advertising!  Advertise your Facebook page anywhere you’d advertise your website.

10. Don’t delay the launch of your social media strategy. A Nielsen study point out, “Social networks or blog sites are visited by three quarters of global consumers who go online, which is a 24% increase from last year.”  If your company has an established customer base, there’s a high probability that people are already conversing about your brand, products and/or services every day; customers, prospective customers, critics and competitors.  The only question is whether or not you want to be part of those conversations. Getting actively involved now will help build your brand, enhance customer loyalty and retention, enhance the quality of your customer service and increase your potential for both short-term and long-term revenue growth.

These pitfalls are the ones we most hear about, what did we miss?

As a business, have you experienced any others issues?—-  Share them with us.

As a consumer, what would you like to see business doing different with their social media?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Top 6 Interactive Marketing Tactics for Retailers to Drive In-StoreSales

Over the past several years a dramatic shift has occurred in the way consumers shop – they’re increasingly turning to the Internet to research products before stepping into a retail store. In fact, Credit Suisse reports 87% of consumers now conduct product research online before purchasing in person. U.S. in-store retail sales influenced by online consumer research are expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2012. That’s nearly half of total retail sales!

Not only is a well-planned and executed interactive marketing strategy critical to the success of any e-commerce website, it can also catapult in-store retail sales. Below are our top six interactive marketing tactics to implement into your marketing strategy.

1. Use email to deliver timely, personalized offers. It’s well known that at an average cost of about $0.01 per email sent and the immediacy in response rates, email is one of the most cost-effective and efficient marketing methods for retailers. But in addition to using email marketing to drive website traffic, it can also be an extremely effective method for driving in-store retail sales. As the holiday shopping season draws to a close, consumers become increasingly wary about making purchases online out of fear that their merchandise may not be shipped to them on time. This represents the perfect opportunity to step up emails for digital coupons and offers–valid for in-store purchases.

The effective use of email marketing to drive in-store sales however requires a well thought out action plan. The first step involves cultivating a highly targeted opt-in email list of shoppers. Then, highly engaging offers with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) need to be designed and routinely delivered. Email collateral should be consistent in messaging and design with your traditional advertisements and drive consumers to offer-specific landing pages or micro-sites or include promotion codes for in-store use so the performance of the offers can be accurately measured, reported and optimized.

2. Get found where consumers are searching. With nearly 9 out of 10 consumers researching products and future purchases online, effective search engine optimization (SEO) and social media optimization (SMO) of your website and retail store(s) is no longer optional – it’s now crucial. According to “The Compete Online Shopper Intelligence” study*, retail websites and search engines are the top two resources shoppers use to do their research, followed by retailer emails. The report found that 90% of consumers are utilizing search engines, 48% use online yellow pages and 42% are using comparison shopping engines to research purchases. Nearly 25% are using vertical websites. But the biggest change is that consumers no longer rely a single resource for information. On average consumers are looking at 7.9 different sources for product information.

“Coupon codes” and “discount codes” for specific products are extremely popular search terms which can be highly effective at driving both website and in-store retail traffic. It’s important to consider that consumers generally perform online searches for specific products, not store names. Therefore, use keyword-optimized “landing pages” for your most popular products to attract these highly targeted shoppers. These landing pages should contain detailed product descriptions, optimized images, videos (if available), customer feedback and testimonials, and third-party endorsements, etc. These landing pages not only help drive product sales but can also lift your website’s overall search engine rankings.

3. Leverage the viral power of social media. Social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter offer retailers the opportunity to empower loyal customers to significantly increase both the reach and impact of their offers. Since the average Facebook user has 130 friends and 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations (according to Neilson), a social media marketing program has quickly become a “must-do” for any retailer. Compete’s study* reveals that consumers are seeking out retailers on Facebook and Twitter in growing numbers; 31 percent report checking out Facebook fan pages or Twitter feeds of retailers –  almost twice as many people as in Q3 2009.

While setting up a Facebook fan page and Twitter account is free, maintaining it and properly leveraging it to drive measurable increases in sales isn’t. Social media success requires a well-planned social media strategy, which hinges on timely, highly relevant and entertaining content that encourages discussion and sharing. A poorly planned social media strategy, on the other hand, can disenchant consumers and result in dramatic adverse effects on your store’s online reputation, potentially causing greater harm than good.

4. Blog your way to increased sales. A blog is an important component of any interactive marketing and social media strategy today, serving as an excellent way to establish and maintain a dialogue with your most vocal customers. Since blogs are not yet commonly used among all retailers today, it’s an easy way to distinguish your store from the competition and increase customer loyalty. A blog is also an excellent way to solicit informal feedback from your customers about your company and products. In addition to the customer engagement value, content of your blog posts can be search engine optimized with titles and key words to help lift your website’s search engine rankings.

5. Embrace cross-channel marketing. We define cross-channel marketing as the use of one marketing channel (such as direct mail) to support or promote another channel. Since an estimated 9 in 10 consumers now research products online and via mobile devices to narrow down their purchase options before stepping foot into a retail store, effective cross-channel marketing has become a necessary component of any retailer’s marketing strategy. Consumers today expect a unified experience across all marketing channels which include content, design, pricing, and promotions.

A properly implemented cross-channel marketing strategy may use a catalog that drives your website traffic or an email campaign that grows your Facebook fan base. Providing your retail customers discounts, exclusive offers and digital coupons typically serve as proper incentives. Essentially, cross promote all of your marketing channels in all of your marketing channels.

6. Empower your website to drive in-store sales. Transform your website into a hub for all of the vital information your customers need to make a smart purchasing decision. Include detailed manufacturer product descriptions, large multi-angle photos, cross-product comparison functionality, rich media (video), product ratings and reviews, customer testimonials, warranty information and return policies. Include local promotions and weekly circular advertisements into your website. Be sure to include a store locator and consider adding an in-store product inventory feature and “buy online, pick up in-store” functionality to provide customers added convenience and avoid disappointment.

*Compete Online Shopper Intelligence™ study

If you found the information in this post useful, please share it as intended.

Do you take action or gamble?

We truly appreciate when trusted sources share nuggets of information to educate us all on the how-to’s of web design (et al). Whether your company has been online for many years or many months, take heed to the advice but more importantly, take action. You can have the greatest product or service in the world but a poor or bad experience on your website will turn your prospective customer in the opposite direction. It’s no different than a sales agent at a retail (offline) location. If that agent is having a bad day and it’s in the mood to deal with the same questions she just answered over and over the day before and she leaves your prospective customer feeling annoyed as opposed to excited to learn more, there’s a (huge) problem.

So be honest with yourself and/or your team. Are you really going to take action when you receive these complimentary tips from the experts, or are you going to go about your day and take a gamble?

Remember, even if a browser on your site doesn’t turn into a customer, what is it that you want them to remember from their experience (while on your site), which in turn is what do you want them to remember about your company?

If you acknowledge that you likely won’t and rarely do take action, contact a professional interactive web design firm. In the long run, your business will outperform the competition when you focus more on the experience, and less on the expense.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Social Media Grows Up!

Three years ago, Twitter was barely known outside the geeky confines of San Francisco. Today, it's a marketer's dream: a free service with an audience of nearly 125 million people, who use it to keep tabs on friends, celebrities — and their favorite companies. Co-founder Biz Stone explains what's happening, where it's headed, and how entrepreneurs can take advantage.

Social Media Grows Up.

Emineo Media

Retargeting Used by Marketers for Cost-Effective Brand Lift!

According to a study by comScore and ValueClick Media, the display ad placement strategy with the most brand lift is retargeting.

While display ads may once have been considered primarily a direct response vehicle, and many marketers still rely on measures of declining clickthrough rates as primary display metrics, studies have shown that banner ads provide an important branding vehicle and should be considered as such. Given the cost, reach and effect of various display campaigns, retargeting provides a large benefit with reasonable costs.

Retargeting Used by Marketers for Cost-Effective Brand Lift

Emineo Media

"The Social Network" Writer on Mark Zuckerberg: "I've Been That Guy"

Facebook’s founders are reportedly not very thrilled with the angle of either Accidental Billionares or The Social Network, and have challenged some of the facts in the story they tell, so it’s interesting that Sorkin claims to empathize with Zuckeberg.

As is the case with most film versions of true stories, the facts aren’t all straight. Since the film is a work of art and not a documentary, that old Pablo Picasso quote might apply: “Art is the lie that tells the truth.” And Sorkin’s first objective is obviously to entertain. Sorkin explained his approach thusly

"The Social Network" Writer on Mark Zuckerberg: "I've Been That Guy".

Emineo Media

The Mobile Apps That Affluents Download!

More than one-third of wealthy Americans have downloaded apps to their smartphones and another 11% plan to do so in the near future, according to the Luxury Institute’s September 2010 “Wealth Report.” The Institute polled smartphone owners earning at least $150,000 per year the average income was $247,000 and found that 61% of them paid for at least some of their apps. Similarly to average smartphone owners, affluent users polled downloaded weather-related, news and gaming apps the most.

The Mobile Apps That Affluents Download

Emineo Media

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Continued Rise of Blogging!

More than half of web users will read blogs this year. Social networks and microblogs have in recent years nudged blogging off the social media pedestal. For some consumers, who have more communication tools at their fingertips than they did a few years ago, Facebook and Twitter have supplanted blogging as life-streaming outlets.

The Continued Rise of Blogging

Twitter to Release a Real-time Analytics Solution This Year!

Twitter plans to launch a free analytics dashboard that will help its users – especially businesses – understand how others are interacting with their tweets

Member of Twitter’s business development team Ross Hoffman has revealed at the Sports Marketing Summit that Twitter plans to launch the dashboard in the last quarter of 2010. He was speaking in the context of sports, but there’s no reason to believe the tool won’t be available to other users, too.

Twitter to Release a Real-time Analytics Solution This Year [REPORT].

Top 3 Stories in Social Media and Business!

Top 3 Stories of interest:

Twitter to Release Real-Time Analytics Dashboard in Q4

LinkedIn Acquires ChoiceVendor

Mark Zuckerberg Now Richer Than Steve Jobs

via Top 3 Stories in Social Media and Business This Morning.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Consumers Force Retailers to Adopt Social Strategy!

Confusion about ROI, disagreement about performance indicators

For most web users, online shopping is not a fully social activity. A few leading-edge retailers have begun allowing transactions to occur on sites like Facebook, but social media users do not typically report starting a search for a product on social sites

Consumers Force Retailers to Adopt Social Strategy - eMarketer.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Disney Makes Social Media the Centerpiece of Theme Park Ad Campaign!

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is using user-generated content at the centerpiece of its new “Let the Memories Begin” campaign. By re-purposing user-submitted photos and videos from entertainment and resort venues, Disney is hoping to craft a campaign that helps recapture the good memories individuals have of going to Disney World or Disneyland.

Disney Makes Social Media the Centerpiece of Theme Park Ad Campaign.

Emineo Media

Social Media Will Change Your Business - BusinessWeek!

The original title of this story was "Blogs Will Change Your Business,” published in May, 2005. It has received numerous revisions and updates and 5 years later; its essential reading for anyone interested in the relevance of the evolution of Social Media.

Look past the yakkers, hobbyists, and political mobs. Your customers and rivals are figuring blogs out. Our advice: Catch up…or catch you later.

Social Media Will Change Your Business - BusinessWeek######.

3 Small Cause Campaigns That Won Big With Social Media

Non-profit organizations are leading the way when it comes to creatively harnessing the power of social media.

In fact, 93% of the top U.S. charities have a Facebook page, 87% have a Twitter profile, and 65% have a blog. Why does this matter? Because the rapid growth and adoption of social media is helping non-profits in their quest for change — they truly are using social media for social media.

3 Small Cause Campaigns That Won Big With Social Media.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Interactive Marketing Listens to Customers!

Interactive Marketing is a reference to an evolving trend in marketing where marketing has moved from transaction-based to conversation-based. John Deighton at Harvard provided the definition of interactive marketing, he says; "interactive marketing is the ability to address the customer, remember what the customer says and address the customer again in a way that illustrates that we remember what the customer has told us (Deighton 1996)."

Although interactive marketing processes are facilitated by internet technology, interactive marketing is not the same as online marketing. The ability to communicate with our customer more easily using the technology of the internet is made easier when we can collect customer information online and share this information with them. Interactive marketing works because it allows us to better serve our clients, their customers and provides a better use of marketing dollars.

Emineo Media

Mouseover Security Flaw in Twitter!

Twitter experienced a security flaw today spreading rapidly through thousands of users redirecting them to third-party websites. This nasty “mouseover” bug subjugated Twitter account users to pop-ups and third-party websites by simply scrolling your mouse over the offensive link. The “onMouseOver” flaw is a result of the JavaScript function that was caused when the mouse was passed over the bulk of text. According to  “We’ve seen the flaw being abused to launch simple pop-up windows, redirect users elsewhere (including porn sites), and we’ve also seen it used in combination with blocks of color, covering the true “intention” of the tweet.”

Emineo Media

Social Media Working Better for Retention Than Acquisition!

Social media marketing has been around for several years, and as marketers begin to converge on best practices and use the channel in more uniform ways, it is emerging that their top goals are brand a

Social Media Working Better for Retention Than Acquisition

Emineo Media

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Impact of Twitter and Small businesses!

Twitter marketing is the latest concept that has emerged in the field of marketing. Using Twitter has become the latest fad amongst youngsters. Its increasing popularity is the main reason behind media marketers getting attracted towards the discipline of Twitter marketing.

Twitter marketing through microblogging has made this social networking site a great medium to face modern day marketing challenges. Through microblogging, the media marketer can endorse his product or services in merely 140 characters.

Twitter Marketing helps in building up a brand amongst a larger base audience. According to statistics, Twitter is used all over the world as one of the most popular social networking sites. Any bit of marketing meticulously done on Twitter can appeal to the entire world in one tweet. In other words, the promotion of products or services can reach millions of Twitter users by Tweeting.  This helps to build your brand on a much higher scale as compared to any of the traditional mediums of marketing.

Therefore, Twitter marketing is a boon for any small business, through which it can reach unmatchable heights in terms of material success and fame.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Social Media: Essential Strategic Communication!

Social media must be viewed as an essential strategic communication medium that all businesses should embed in their overall marketing plan. Social media can’t be viewed as a fad, a craze or the next big thing. Its potential to maximize a brand/identity, business, organization or personality continues to evolve and its imminent impact will further astound those who have yet to embrace it.

Emineo Media

Interactive Marketing Solutions

UK Retailers Move to Embrace M-Commerce.

Most UK merchants expect mobile commerce to be part of their main strategy within the next 12 months, and more than 40% plan to have a transactional mobile site or application within the next year, according to a survey carried out by eDigital Research for the Association for Interactive Media and Entertainment (AIME), the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG).

Click below to read full story:

UK Retailers Move to Embrace M-Commerce.

Emineo Media

Interactive Marketing Solutions

Get Ready!

Interactive marketing solutions are rapidly emerging: social media is here and mobile media will be the next big craze. Get ready!

Emineo Media

Interactive Marketing Solutions

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Social Media Change!

Social media is currently an intricate part of the consumer experience.  Countless businesses have become reliant on social media as a source of information for selling and marketing their products and/or services.  But just like sales and marketing are constantly changing, social media is just another change.  Businesses should not fear these changes, but try to understand, embrace and implement social media.  In doing so, they will enrich the consumer’s experience and in the process evolve into another phase of success they may deny themselves for fear of change. 

Emineo Media

Social Media: Essential Strategic Communication!

Social media must be viewed as an essential strategic communication medium that all businesses should embed in their overall marketing plan.  Social media can’t be viewed as a fad, a craze or the next big thing. Its potential to maximize a brand/identity, business, organization or personality continues to evolve and its imminent impact will further astound those who have yet to embrace it.
Emineo in Latin means to "Stand Out" "Be Remarkable" "Be Prominent" 'Be Conspicuous!"

Emineo Media in a team effort with your business will create an “Interactive Marketing Solution” to ensure your business “Stands Out” and is “Prominent” amongst the world of web enhancements. Our focus is maximizing the potential of your Internet presence to ensure our collaborative efforts produce “Remarkable” brand innovative results.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

UK Retailers Move to Embrace M-Commerce.

Most UK merchants expect mobile commerce to be part of their main strategy within the next 12 months, and more than 40% plan to have a transactional mobile site or application within the next year, according to a survey carried out by eDigital Research for the Association for Interactive Media and Entertainment (AIME), the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG).

Click below to read full story:

UK Retailers Move to Embrace M-Commerce.

Emineo Media

Friday, September 3, 2010

Emineo Media teams with Businesses to "Stand Out" "Be Prominent" "Be Remarkable"

Emineo in Latin means to "Stand Out" "Be Prominent" "Be Remarkable!"

Emineo Media in a team effort with your business will create an “Interactive Marketing Solution” to ensure your business “Stands Out” and is “Prominent” amongst the world of web enhancements. Our focus is maximizing the potential of your internet presence to ensure our collaborative efforts produce “Remarkable” brand innovative results.

Emineo Media

Interactive Marketing Solutions

Monday, August 30, 2010

How To: Pick the Right Social Media Engagement Style?

As business look to social media to keep and attract new customers they should understand their customer’s engagement style. These are just some examples of styles reflecting diverse relationships between customer and potential customers.

1. The Game Show Host (Giving stuff away or offering deals)

2. Your Friendly Neighborhood Service Rep (Like a good neighbor, you listen to your customers)

3. The Beehive (We’re all in this together people)

4. The Community Builder(Always an acquaintance but never a friend)

5. The Friend (Every customer interaction is like one amazing high-five)

It’s imperative that a business understand their customers’ needs and what type of social media will best engage their current customer base and at the same time expand the possibilities to connect with prospective customers.

Click below for full article!


Emineo Media

Interactive Marketing Solutions

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Social Media Marketing: Do you have a Strategy?

Do you have a Facebook page or Twitter feed, but you don’t know why you have them, what to do with them, or how to measure their results? Even if you may not know why you have them, incorporating social media into a business public relations and marketing plans is a great strategy to stay ahead of the competition! Doing research on the importance of social media will allow you to understand the role they are playing to connect consumers to your business!

Emineo Media

Interactive Marketing Solutions

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Reputation Management...

Your social media mix (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Face Book, and other social networks) is your (your company's) reputation management. Protect and build your brand with a plan.

In a recent survey (The 2010 Business Website and Interactive Marketing Usage Survey was conducted by Strategic Vision, LLC) only 23% of businesses use a public relations agency and 52% do not plan to increase their PR budget for 2010.

Playing it loose with an online generation is not an effective PR/Social Media plan.

Emineo Media

Interactive Marketing Solutions

Monday, July 19, 2010

Be Remarkable!

Surrounding yourself with a group of people who have an abundance of talent will increase your ability to be remarkable. Thanks for joining and increasing our capability!

Let’s Be Remarkable!

Emineo Media

Interactive Marketing Solutions