Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Facebook Drives US Social Network Ad Spending Past $3 Billion in 2011!

Social network advertising to account for 10.8% of online market

US marketers will spend $3.08 billion to advertise on social networking sites this year, eMarketer predicts. Spending will be up 55% over the $1.99 billion advertisers devoted to social networks in 2010 and will rise by a further 27.7% next year to reach nearly $4 billion.

This year’s dramatic growth in spending will bring social media ad dollars to 10.8% of the total spent online in the US. Worldwide, where social network ad spending will rise 71.6% to $5.97 billion, that proportion will be somewhat lower, at 8.7%.

The 2011 forecast for US spending is $1 billion higher than eMarketer’s last estimate of US social network ad spending, made in August 2010. The primary driver of the change in projected spending is greater ad spending on Facebook, by far the biggest player in the space.

Facebook Drives US Social Network Ad Spending Past $3 Billion in 2011

Emineo Media

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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by EMO InteractiveMedia, Scott Tubbs. Scott Tubbs said: Facebook Drives US Social Network Ad Spending Past $3 Billion in 2011! - http://emineomedia.com/blog/?p=464 [...]
